Accountability in assets

Patrons must log on before they can view restricted assets. You manage their accounts in SirsiDynix Symphony, but you must set up either a SIP or Symphony Web Services authentication server connection to Symphony. For patrons to be able to search for and locate restricted assets, their assigned accountability must meet or exceed the accountability settings of the assets.

For most security restrictions, when a patron submits a search that would find an asset that has one of the accountability restrictions applied, results do not show up in the results or facets. However, if a Required Restriction is applied to an asset, a place holder that has no title or link appears in the results list with text stating that access to the result is restricted.

Items in SirsiDynix Symphony can also have accountability properties applied to them. These types of assets are typically physical items that can be checked out by patrons whose accounts have the appropriate accountability. You can manage the accountability of physical items from within Symphony. The items are imported and indexed with all other items in the ILS, with the exception that they have associated security settings. Like electronic assets, they can be searched and will show up in the item results list with other types of items, but only if the patron initiating the search is signed in with an account with the appropriate accountability. For more information, refer to the SirsiDynix Symphony documentation.

When you run Portfolio with the Symphony Accountability module enabled, the Searching interface will not provide search suggestions to patrons. None of the changes you make in Search Suggestions go into effect until you remove accountability for the system.

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